The Intergalactic
Space Chronicle
How We Make the Decision to Support a Candidate
By Louise Farfell
After a few questionable elections in several countries over the last 100 years, we at the paper decided to talk to the man, woman, or android on the street and in the air about how they choose who to vote for.
We asked our readers the following questions and this is how they answered:
If a candidate is a known criminal but seems to promise you all the things that will improve your own life, would you support him or her?
Molly Soup answered: "Criminal, Shriminal, who am I to judge? If the candidate promises what I want what do I care? Yes, I would vote for him or her, or it".
Harley Prat answered: "It depends if the candidate is an Evolutionist, a Moon worshipper, or an Invisible Cloakist. That's how I make my decision."
Chippy Smith said, "Well, of course not. A criminal is a criminal no matter what they advocate.
On this question, 75% said they would vote for a criminal, and 25% said under no circumstances. Some of those questioned said we were asking the wrong question.
So we asked a second question.
Do you research the candidates before you choose to support them?
Molly Soup said, "Are you kidding? How they look, and if I like them – that's how I decide."
Harley Prat said, "Well, not really. If they support Moon worshippers, well, that's enough for me."
Chippy Smith said, "Yes, but moreover, I want to know if they are progressive, if they support marriage between androids and humans, and if they want to save the planets."
On the second question, 75% said they don't have time to research the candidate, 15% said they trust their preferred news outlets and 15% said they do.
We thought the answers were a little telling but decided what might be just as important as who we support is what we support.
Since we all decide on candidates on whether they promise to deliver what we want, maybe each and every one of us need to ask ourselves if what we want is really good for us, and moreover, if what we want would be good for the Universe, in the long run.