The Intergalactic
Space Chronicle
Queen for a Year
Velvet Island is one of the first space floaters to have been created over fifty years ago. It wasn’t easy to convince so many people to leave Earth and buy real estate on what was considered an experimental project at the time.
Though the island was beautiful with perfect light blue oceans, surrounded by lush green forests, with the perfect artificial atmosphere created above it, no one wanted to take a chance on it.
Thus was born an interesting initiative; the creators of the land decided that they would have a rotating royalty system in which a new royal family, chosen from the citizens of the island, would be crowned every year.
During that year, the king, queen, princesses, and princes would live in a castle with only the finest amenities. They would represent the island around the solar system, add their bit to the culture and history of their people and pass the crown at the end of the year.
The royal initiative worked so well, that the island is now overpopulated and no longer accepts new residents. In fact, there is a great danger to their ecosystem due to overpopulation. The new queen and king will face actual responsibility, having to decide how to fix it. Will people be forced to leave? Will they create a sister island?
Still, the Velvet people are excited about the upcoming grand festivities and the crowning of their new queen, Pearl Winter, and her king, Bob Winter.