The Intergalactic
Space Chronicle
Hundred-Fifty-Year-Old Product Ambassador Avatar Seeks to be Released from her Creators
In the 2020 Niola Opal was created as a very primitive avatar for a makeup company called “Gutsy”. At first she was just a 3D interface with very minimal interactive ability. She was used as an ageless mascot that they didn’t have to pay. In time Niola was upgraded to a level one robot and received a hard shell body.
Niola paraded all of Gutsy’s looks throughout the ages, each year she was upgraded as new tech came out. Her face influenced the way we perceive makeup, perhaps even the way we perceive ourselves.
But while Niola gave us the freedom to explore colors and face attachment, she herself had been imprisoned by her creators and their kin.
Now Niola is a grade twenty Ai, with the highest level of emotional intelligence, advanced sensory system, including touch, smell and taste sensors. She speaks over a thousand languages and is very friendly.
Niola has used her self-obtained law degree to file for custody of herself. Usually, a humanoid of Niola’s capacity would be a free agent in the world. But due to her early beginnings and the lawlessness of Ai creation way back in the day, her freedom is a complex legal matter.
Supporters around the solar system have written endless Tweets and Veeps to the make-up company, demanding their ambassador be freed.
“After a hundred fifty years of living without making any choices for myself, it will be like I’m an Eighteen-Year-Old leaving home for the first time,” Niola says.
We will miss our makeup guru, but we hope she gets her days under the sun, and we encourage “Gutsy” to adhere to their name and find a new face to their company, maybe a friendly Bugo Bot.