The Intergalactic
Space Chronicle
Flying Mutant Jellyfish Haunting Biotech Lab
By M.B. Alexander
Let’s be honest, they kind of deserve it. I mean, if you’re gonna experiment with jellyfish, don’t be surprised when those said jellyfish probe you back after you’ve turned them into super flying jelly-birds.
Say what, ha? That’s right, these jellyfish should now be called jelly birds. They can fly in the sky and catch all sorts of things with their long tentacles. Those ‘things’ may sometimes include people or small air-cars.
How did these new creatures come to be? Well, take some overly creative scientists, an environmental problem, and an overly excited tech mogul, and what do you get?
An upgraded jellyfish species of course.
These new flying jellyfish were designed to clean the ocean waters of Earth and grab trash with their long tentacles. They were to be fueled by the trash they consumed, thus creating the perfect ocean cleaning monster. But when the bio cleaning agents were released into the ocean they suddenly rose up over the water and hovered around the scientific aircraft, following it until they returned to the labs where they were created.
For weeks now they have been feeding on lab waste and stopping any movement in or out of the labs with their long tentacles.
Now the scientists are facing a new problem: how to leave their labs?
Yes, some science solves complex problems of our present in ways we could have never imagined, and yet other times scientists make the invention of the door or the outside world completely irrelevant.
Now, if you do happen to be traveling around that part of Australia, do be careful. Telecommunication implants for these said jelly-birds are still months in the making, so currently they are ungoverned and unruly. However, the air is cleaner around them, so there's that.