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The Intergalactic 

Space Chronicle 

Dear Louise Column January

By Louise Farfell

Dear Louise,


I am 40 years old and I froze my eggs a few years ago. I want to take one of these eggs and enter into pregnancy, but all my friends and parents are asking, “Why so young? You have so much time.”

I want a baby now, and don’t care how reckless or wild it may seem. I have a good job and can provide for the little human.

What do you think? Should I heed the doubts of others or obey my heart’s desire?

Ready for a child

Dear Ready,

You don’t say whether you are married, part of a throuple, couple or are single. While I commend you on having a good job, I need more info: have you settled down? Have you ruled out traveling? Also, I would want to know the source of this sudden need.

I tell all of my readers to follow their passion and not to let others dictate their futures, but I would think harder about this a little longer. Forty is awfully young to have a child. Think about what it would mean. You might not be able to travel as far in the Solar System as you had planned. No more trips to the Moon. Babies have special needs.

If you can honestly say you could foresee yourself going without for at least the next five years, then go for it.

Always, Louise

Dear Louise.PNG

Dear Louise,

My boyfriend and I have been planning a trip to Mars for the last five years. We saved the money, went through the training program and finally bought our space shuttle tickets.

A woman at my boyfriend’s work is having a baby and insists he come to the baby shower at this time.

He is hesitating, and I am suspicious. Surely she can send him a hologram.

Do you think I am coldhearted for insisting we take the trip as planned? We will only be gone 5 months.


Dear Miffed,

Sorry, but I agree with you. You have been planning this trip, and you both should go.

If your boyfriend is having a problem with that, I think you need to sit down and talk. Maybe there is something going on there between him and that woman at work. If there is, then, it’s good to find out now rather than later, and in that case, I would advise you to make the trip alone. I went. It’s fantastic. You won’t believe the atmosphere. And all those Martian rocks!

Wishing you good luck and advising you: Get moving and don’t delay any further!

Always, Louise

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