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The Intergalactic 

Space Chronicle 

Dear Louise Column - December 

By Louise Farfell

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Dear Louise,

My daughter put me and my husband in an old age home on Mars, and she never comes to visit.

On our birthday she makes a hologram call, but that's all she does.

When she was a child she ate all the avocados in the refrigerator. We said nothing, because at least it was avocado and not ice cream.

We did everything for her as a child, sent her to the best interplanetary schools, and gave her theremin lessons from age 2.

Do we have a right to demand more?

Maltreated in Mars

Dear Maltreated,

Of course, you have a right to demand more. You are her parents.

But others cannot mistreat us unless we let them. On her next hologram, use a little Grandma manipulation and reply, "So why aren’t you here?"

Always, Louise

Dear Louise,

I am a very busy woman with a family of 5. I work very hard outside the home and have very little time. I put my parents in a convalescent home on Mars (it was the best one). I send a hologram singing "Happy Birthday" to them at every birthday, and on holidays wish them a happy holiday. They have suddenly began answering my holograms by saying, "Nuu, so big deal, a birthday greeting, when are you stopping by?"


This is followed by face drops, frowns, and sighs.

I am a busy woman, what do I do?

No Time on Earth

Dear No Time,

They're your parents. Maybe you will get to be immortal, but they don't have that option yet.

Give them a little love, drop into Mars once in a while. Share a cup of coffee with them. I am sure they will prefer that to a hologram.



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