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The Intergalactic 

Space Chronicle 

New Upward and Downward Mobility in the Teeny Weeny House Movement

By Louise Farfell

All of you are familiar with the mobile teeny house movement, but have you been informed of the new exciting developments that the following three companies have made recently?

"Mobile Homes are Us" has designed a new line of teeny homes that are luxurious, small and full of all your usual home amenities such as "food fabricators", bodily function disintegrators, floating beds, deep seated bathtubs, fireplaces, activity modules, etc. But you knew that, right? But what you didn't know is that this newest model, the Sub 15, 29300T, turns into a submarine as soon as it hits the water, and you can make the Around the World Trip in less than 8 Days by traveling underneath the sea. Imagine. No more parking lots, traffic jams, or crowded ports. The new Sub 15 can plunge anywhere and dock anywhere, even park itself into a local parking lot on land. It comes in Red, Yellow and Camouflage color, blue, green and brown, (You never know when your home might be mistaken for a giant fish and the target of a bigger fish). There are models for singles, throuples and 4-member families.

"Teeny Spacemobile Co.", not to be outdone, is offering a line of mobile space homes that can traverse outer space. Loaded with enough fuel they can fly from space station to space station before you can say "Will Robinson" ¹. They come equipped with a full kitchen, modern bathroom, living room and loft. They can be launched from every major Launchpad and are designed to make your space travels smoother.

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Finally, "Carry your home on Your Back, Inc." allows you to fold your mobile home into a small box that you can fit into your backpack. Each purchase comes with a small hoverboard that allows you to travel from city to city in a matter of minutes. Just hop on that board in New York City, and you are in Sandusky, Ohio within a matter of minutes. You can open your home in the local teeny home site right outside the city, get a nice shower and a good night's rest.

These mobile teeny home companies put new meaning into the words, "Bon Voyage" and remind us that "Good Things Come in Small Packages"!


¹.Lead character from an ancient entertainment called "television" from the later 1900's from the U.S.A. called "Lost in Space"

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