The Intergalactic
Space Chronicle
To Be, Or Not to Be
By Louise Farfell
Ever sat in a board meeting, only to find yourself falling asleep to the drone of the CEO's meaningless drivel? Or been challenged by your school teacher when you forgot to do your homework?
An Invisible cloak is sometimes illegal, sometimes legal, but clearly not a stable solution. "Rarefied Solutions Inc." has come up with a viable solution. It comes in a small 2 x 2 cm box you can carry in your handbag or business case. Made to look like a small pencil sharpener, there is a small button you can push which throws some noise in another direction of the room to create a distraction. Push another button and it sweeps you out the door before anyone can notice. In addition to the distraction the high pitched sound creates a temporary memory loss in others so they won't even remember you were present.
This product is not recommended for use in courtrooms, political rallies, debates or police stations. The World FDA is in the process of banning it for use in these situations, but in everyday situations not of a legal nature it seems its' use will be unfettered