The Intergalactic
Space Chronicle
Amazon’s New Ai Stork Gift Delivery
By M.B. Alexander
There are things we need and there are things we want, and I cannot decide if Amazon’s new Ai Stork gift delivery is something I desperately want or truly need. I think it’s a bit of the two.
It’s been a rough year with the recent pandemic, the Bubble Lip tracking scandal, and all the disappearance and reappearance around Mirror Lake, and we need some serious cheering up (not the cereal kind). There is something undeniably uplifting about a bird delivering a perfectly packaged gift right to your doorstep.
I can image in the year to come little kids running out to catch the stork who is clenching their gifts between the clouds, as they did with those old ice-cream trucks back in the “Screen Age”.
The stork has always been associated with babies due to a Greek myth about a stork stealing babies. Hera the wife of Zeus, king of the gods turned her rival into a stork bird and she (stork-woman) in turn tried to steal her babies. In ancient Egyptian mythology, it is said that the soul of the human is in the stork, which would further explain the baby carrying association.
So why has Amazon decided to allocate this stork motif to gift-giving and brought it into tech form? Well, maybe they’re making up for all the shady things they did a hundred plus years ago by giving us something awesome, or perhaps they wanted to unite humanity around a joint holiday character, after all, Santa doesn’t give all of us gifts.
Either way, I want them, I need them, and I already can’t imagine the winter holidays with them.